Monday, March 2, 2009

iPod's in education

iPod use in education is something that is certainly on the rise. An interesting study was done by Duke University in 2004. They gave iPod's to all the first year incoming freshman and evaluated their use and response in the classroom. They found that this certainly increased student participation and learning uses of the iPod. The Study was titled iPod First Year Experince
I think that iPod's can definitely increase a students learning because it can give students access at anytime to audio and sometimes video of educational use. This comes in handy during a car ride or when working because it is hard to study when you are busy but your ears can certainly listen to what is going on.

1 comment:

  1. pick a topic- 4 sites
    -6 pictures, three as text and 3 as float
    -common font
    -common size
    -common margin indentions
    -2 paragraphs with smaller text/ indentions
    -web url for every site used
    -edit hyperlinks (simplify them)
